Science diplomacy | Getting started
Diplomatic pinpricks

Science diplomacy is pursued not infrequently in rather unconventional ways – and occasionally even at very unusual places, such as in an operating theatre in China in 1971. In her essay, Professor Maria Rentetzi from Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg reveals why acupuncture needles, in particular, proved to be special diplomatic instruments. The major global challenges of our time can only be tackled jointly. Research collaboration takes place across national borders and political systems. Discover new perspectives on foreign science policy and science diplomacy, find out why their success is related to exchange on an equal footing and let us introduce you to DAAD alumnae and alumni who are actively engaged at the interface between science, research, policy and innovation. We hope you will find this edition a fascinating read! —
Science diplomacy | Interview
“Science requires political support”
Political scientist and sociologist Dr Tim Flink conducts research on science diplomacy. Why realigning foreign science policy is so important for international research cooperation in view of global challenges.

Science diplomacy | In brief
Science diplomacy is. . .
Four quotes about the importance of science diplomacy.

For DAAD Vice President Dr Muriel Kim Helbig, science diplomacy is associated with hopes “for international science-based collaboration, for solutions to conflicts and for the advancement of society”. Discover more quotes about the importance of science diplomacy from Minister of State Katja Keul, Leopoldina President Professor Gerald Haug and Dr Jan Marco Müller, Science Diplomacy Coordinator at the European Commission.
Science diplomacy | Overview
Collaboration in a changed world
How the DAAD involves itself in foreign science policy – and why internationally networked research is now more important than ever.

Science diplomacy | In brief
Jointly addressing global challenges
The Berlin Center for Global Engagement of the Berlin University Alliance supports research and science management with a view to making global cooperation successful.
Science diplomacy | Food for thought
Diplomacies in the plural
How much diplomatic power does science have? A guest article by Professor Maria Rentetzi

Science diplomacy | In action
Science diplomacy in international practice

Political responsibility and dialogue in challenging constellations: based on their current roles, four individuals with close connection to the DAAD offer insights into foreign science policy and science diplomacy in action. READ MORE
Science diplomacy | Portrait
“I am now able to continue my research on feminist foreign policy”
Nyein Chan May also fled from Myanmar as a political activist and was awarded a Hilde Domin Programme scholarship. Get to know Nyein Chan May in our video portrait and learn more about the association she has established: “German Solidarity with Myanmar Democracy”.